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Noda teatre

jurfak Мамыр 6, 2013 0
Noda teatre

Larisa Noda – a journalist, a senior lecturer in print and electronic media in the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU).fda

Laureate of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and the International Pushkin Prize (2011). 2013 – Special Prize of the International Academy of Business (IAB) for coverage of education issues in the media of Kazakhstan in the competition among media publications and authors for the best coverage of education. Competition held at the initiative of the MAB with the support of the Kazakhstan Press Club.

The author of many manuals on the history of the world and Kazakh journalism, leading the band “adults about children” in the newspaper of the Ministry of Education and Science “Class-Time”. Artistic Director of Student Theatre KazNU “Eidos”. Work experience in KazNU – 25 years.

fda“Student Theatre officially the third year. We put student theater performances. Initiated by the students, they want to play in the theater. We stand in orphanages, stand with the performances. The students are very talented, they should be sent. As for the journalism of the al-Farabi KazNU, the country is a priority of our faculty. Draw up new programs introduce new items. We have opened a specialty – “PR”, “Design”. Not to mention the wonderful campus of the KazNU, the only one of this kind in the whole campus Kazakhstan … When the entire university – housing, libraries, youth information center, dining rooms, Palace students – all in one complex. It’s really all for the students. And if we add that the KazNU are more than 120 teams and clubs! Please, dear student, to develop it all for you. Our students are busy from dawn to dusk – studies, science, fdaart, and sport, all for harmonious development. We at the Department prepared and conducted the V National Forum of young correspondents. In addition, our university has international accreditation that indicates a high level of teaching, most of the top positions in the world ranking of universities.”

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